Fargo/Never Have I Ever star Richa Moorjani on beauty & South Asian identity: S5, Ep 13

Masala Podcast
Masala Podcast
Fargo/Never Have I Ever star Richa Moorjani on beauty & South Asian identity: S5, Ep 13

Richa Moorjani and I explore South Asian American identity, the cultural divides between Hollywood & Bollywood, the damaging impact of Western beauty ideals as well the pressure on South Asian women to be “skinny” at odds with our genetics.
Richa gets personal sharing her early life, her parents, her real-life friendship with Poorna Jagannathan and her cast mates on Netflix hit ‘Never Have I Ever.’ And the importance of South Asian representation on TV & in Hollywood.
Finally, Richa and I share inspiration for all the South Asian women out there, about owning your light and seizing the endless possibilities.

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